Injury has its compensations

So much to write about this week, so this one's a bit longer than normal...

A spot of sciatica has returned, so being a finely tuned athletes with Olympic aspirations (move over Mo, I'm coming to get you..) I decided  to offer my services as a volunteer this week instead. Hopefully it's nothing to do with the new running shoes, otherwise that was a complete waste of £60. My daughter, a member of the Edinburgh University Hare and Hounds Running Club, doesn't think they are running shoes at all simply because I didn't buy them from a proper running shop - come to think of it she may have a point..

Travelled to Sheffield Castle (Manor) with my dog Isla to be welcomed with a friendly bear hug from Diane, the founder and Race Director, who immediately thrust a scanner into my hands with the words: "There you go, that's your job." What is it about parkrun and bossy women..?!

Whilst the 50 odd runners did their thing and I worked out how to use the scanner, I chatted with Jenny who told me about the new running club which has recently been established on the Manor, a partnership with Run England and England Athletics I think. It meets every Wednesday evening for an hour and currently attracts about 10 people on average, mostly woman who have taken up running for the first time. The club feeds into the parkrun on a Saturday morning and several of the new recruits were there today, so clearly its working. Great stuff Jenny!

Then with Hannah, a volunteer who lives outside the local area who told me she has been attracted to the Manor parkrun by the warm and friendly atmosphere. I certainly echo that, that, that..!

I've been thinking and asking myself, why do I love parkrun so much? Here are a few reasons.

1. It gets me up and about on Saturday mornings when otherwise I would be wallowing in bed recovering from weird dreams (I've been getting loads of those recently - must be something to do with my age!).

2. It delays the mundane household chores most of us have to do at weekends for at least a couple of hours.

3. It gives me an excuse to have a big and hearty breakfast - although I really should start having it after the run rather than before...

4. It provides me with some useful teaching material.

5. It gives me an opportunity to develop my blogging skills - clearly I have a long way to go with that!

6. It makes a significant contribution to my overall health and happiness, not to mention millions of other people's around the world too.

7. Most importantly (for me at least) it enables me to mix with people from all walks of life - different ages, ethnicities, occupations etc.. - something I think we all could and should do more of in a world where, increasingly it seems, so many people misunderstand others and are misunderstood.

I could go on... in short, I think parkrun is amazing. Its genius is its simplicity, providing a beacon of optimism and positivity an increasingly troubled and troubling world.

Another great start to a weekend - thank you Sheffield Castle. Off to watch the local Sheffield rugby union derby this afternoon - and no doubt consume a few beers during and after the game.

I'll leave you with a story about Elvis Presley - a true story apparently..

Elvis was getting out of his swimming pool for the 10th consecutive time when his wife Priscilla said to him "What are you doing Elvis?" His reply was legendary...

"I can't help falling in love..."

Please leave any comments - praise, criticism, general observations etc. - below. Your feedback is appreciated.

Until the next time - happy parkrunning..



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