Hot chocolate and politics

My planned trip this week to Rother Valley parkrun was delayed - too much going on at home and no time for the journey there and back, so it was the next best thing - a return to Endcliffe Park for the second successive week.

My sole objective was to complete the course without a recurrence of the sciatica and in preparation for the Edinburgh hairy haggis relay next week. That goal was accomplished albeit in a mediocre time of 25.03 - the legs felt quite heavy after a two week layoff which I guess is be expected at my age!

Loud and bossy Rachael was waiting at the finish with a token and a friendly smile which was followed by an equally pleasant chat with Fran, the editor of the Endcliffe parkrun Facebook site, as a result of which I am hoping that my blogs will now be read by more people across the city and hopefully bring more smiles to more faces!

Joined Fraser in the cafe for a mug of hot chocolate before spotting Nick Clegg doing a spot of canvassing. I think it's quite interesting but hardly surprising that a local MP considers it worth his while in the run up to a general election to visit parkrun to engage with his constituents. A semi-captive audience of 500+ people may represent a more effective use of his time than endlessly knocking on doors or distributing leaflets. 

I couldn't resist having a chat, so I approached him and we discussed (amongst other things) the common ground between the Lib Dems and Green Party, the Green's Sheffield Central campaign, and electoral alliances which he seemed broadly supportive of. But not before he had asked me whether, with a recurring lower back problem, he should consider doing the parkrun. "Come on down Nick and give it a try" I suggested. Before he left we had a photo which was nice. I wonder if we will see him at future events in his short and trainers - somehow I doubt it! 

MPs sometimes (often) get a bad press but I think most of them are decent people who are doing a very difficult job to the best of their ability. Cleggy doesn't necessarily get my vote though - I, like many people in this election, am currently undecided.

Below is a final chance to donate to the hairy haggis relay fund - all donations greatly appreciated and will be going to a really good cause. 

Until next week (actually the week after following my trip to Edinburgh)..


  1. Even if Nick can't run due to his back - he could certainly volunteer!!!!! I could train him up as a funnel manager! Rach P 😀


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